Margaret Westlie 2025

About Margaret

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"A little bit fey; a little bit funny. Always the observer; always the listener.”


A blend of intuition, humour, and keen observation, I’ve always been the listener and the quiet observer in any room. From a young age, I’ve experienced flashes of insight and second sight, guiding my life in unexpected ways. This often leaves people a bit unsettled, as I tend to know more than I let on. They don’t need to be concerned; I am the ultimate secret keeper!

While I am a native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, I’ve forever had close ties to Prince Edward Island. My ancestors immigrated to the Island in 1803 from the Isle of Skye, Scotland.

Growing up, my second sight abilities were discouraged. That’s not what you were supposed talk about back then. Always being told who I was supposed to be was a pattern throughout my younger days. Instead, I spent my career as an RN, focused on physical rehabilitation and geriatric nursing.

Yet my creative side needed to come out, so music became a cornerstone of my life. I started with the bagpipes in my youth, later exploring the organ, violin, and voice through choirs and community choruses. I spent thirteen years with the Philharmonia of Greater Kansas City as a second violinist, and was working towards my degree in church music, when my life of observing, listening and intuition reached a tipping point.

I had never turned on a computer before that day. I was 44 at the time and what was residing in me needed to be let it out. I didn’t even start with the thought of a future book ever crossing my mind; I just had to see where the dialogue and voices took me. I wrote for days, and the unexpected writings eventually became the basis for Mattie’s Story, my first published book.

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Recognizing there were more stories to share, I decided that my life of being told to keep my gifts within was over. My studies in church music stopped and instead, I worked to receive my Masters in English as I continued to write. At the same time, I researched quantum physics and further explored my Scottish roots in an effort to learn and understand both the worldly and otherworldly sides of who I am. This while I kept writing daily; book after book, story after story that all demanded be told.

My passion for writing fiction thrives in an altered state of imagination, where I blend the stories I’ve heard throughout my life with the lessons I’ve learned and the eerie occurrences I’ve encountered.

My novels reflect this unique blend, ranging from paranormal tales where life and death are intertwined, to stories influenced by the second sight of my Scottish ancestors. My historical fiction is meticulously researched, highlighting the vital role of faith, community, and spirit in shaping daily life. Whether exploring the unknown or delving into the past, my stories are grounded in a deep understanding of both the seen and unseen worlds.

I wasn’t supposed to be a writer. At least that’s what others told me. For 44 years, I believed them until I the moment when I needed to change the story of myself, for myself.

Thank you for your interest in my stories.

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  • Margaret’s direct descendants, the Selkirk Settlers of 1803, arrived on three ships from Highlands commissioned by the Earl of Selkirk.
  • RN diploma, Victoria General Hospital School of Nursing, Halifax.
  • Bachelor of Nursing, Dalhousie University.
  • Recruited by Mid-Maine Medical Centre, Waterville, Maine, where she met her husband, John.
  • John and Margaret were destined, as Margaret had a Tarot reading where she was told she would meet her future husband, and he was described in detail to her; the moment she met John she knew he was the one.
  • John’s career as a University Professor, later Academic Dean, took them to Liberty, Missouri (north of Kansas City).
  • As part of John’s career, they spent extended periods of time at Harlaxton College in England, and they’ve spent time in France and Scotland, elsewhere in England.
  • Margaret has a Master of Arts in English, Professional Writing Emphasis, from the University of Missouri, Kansas City.
  • She also is Reiki master and has always been interested in hands-on healing.
  • Margaret has a deep love of drawing and painting; she’s an excellent pencil portrait artist.
  • When John retired early from his academic career, they decided to make their home back on Prince Edward Island.
  • Once on PEI, John and Margaret opened a publishing business, Selkirk Stories; “Selkirk” a nod to Margaret’s Scottish roots, “Stories” for Margaret’s interest in stories of her ancestors.

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