Margaret Westlie 2025

Twitch’s New Neighbour

Twitch, the dog who loves carrots, is back. In Twitch’s New Neighbour, your favourite Shih Tzu makes a new friend. But their playtime turns messy, and it is soon bath time for Twitch.

Intended for children of 5 to 7 years who are just learning to read, or for younger children whose carers will read the book to them, Twitch’s New Neighbour teaches children that playfulness has its limits and that actions have consequences. Like Twitch, the Dog who Loved Carrots, this children’s picture book allows children to identify with the dog and to enjoy his adventures vicariously, seeing in his naughtiness a reflection of their own. But they also see that their mothers and fathers will lovingly enforce rules to ensure that they are well and safe.

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